Monday, September 17, 2007

First Walk Through

We met with our site foreman, John, on Friday the 14th. I was happy that we were able to arrange things so quickly because of Kerry's Monday through Thursday travel schedule and the fact that it was the last Friday that I had free for the foreseeable future.

He gave us a walking tour pointing out various highlights of the construction and indicating where the options we selected are or would be going. While we were there the electricians were getting the wiring in and it was a bit noisy at times. It was, in fact, the first time Kerry had been to the site while workers were there. I mentioned the fact that we had come out on the weekends and John mentioned, "Well, the next time you sneak around out here you'll see this and such." I retorted rhetorically, "Would you prefer us out on the weekends or visiting the site everyday bothering you?" He had to laugh.

He did put the kibosh on us trying to get Kerry's new light fixtures and the garage door opener installed before the close. Oh, well. We'll just have to schedule electricians to come out the day of the close, if possible.

Now, it's just a matter of time. We do need to work out the details on the mortgage. The Federal Reserve just announced a reduction in the prime lending rate so hopefully that will get us a better bottom line figure when we're ready to go.

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