Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Drywall, Drywall, Drywall, Part II

I went out to the house tonight because I was fairly bored and knew I would be recording the season premier of House tonight anyways. It was dark already when I got there but I noticed something different right away. The "Fechner Family Home" sign that had been up since we put our money down was gone. I wonder if we can salvage that. Now, our home is marked by a mailbox with our house numbers. Also of interest were the forms for a sidewalk and our walk up to the front porch that looks like it is being prepared for pouring soon.

The ground was muddy and I had to be careful where I stepped. I still got some muck on my sandals but scraped them off with some scrap pressboard before going in.

Inside, I saw that the drywallers had been fast at work. All the drywall appeared to be up throughout the house. A fine, white powder covered the floorboards. The scaffolding was still up in the living room/dining room and it looked like they still had to tape and fill. There was a large store of joint compound kept in the garage.

But there are definite separate rooms now. The only lights in operation remain in the basement. I had a little crank-powered flashlight to see around as I snapped pictures. It seemed like much of the rubbish that had previously been left on the floor by the workers (much to Kerry's consternation) had been picked up. The entry to the basement was partially drywalled going down. We'll have to figure out how exactly we will want to finish that off when the time comes.

On the way home, I swung by Ikea and grabbed a catalogue. Apparently, when we were there this weekend, the checkout woman was so gung-ho to recycle that she took Kerry's catalogue (again, much to Kerry's consternation).

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