Friday, October 26, 2007


Today was the big day. We got up early and had our usual breakfast at Panera Bread. I then dropped Kerry off at Edward's Hospital for a baby ultrasound. I wanted to be there for that but I had to go to the house and meet with the builder to make sure all the final walk-through items had been addressed. Funny thing is 15 minutes after I dropped Kerry off, she called to say that she would be done in a couple of minutes and wanted me to come get her so she could be at the final inspection too. So, I turned around, hauled back to the hospital and picked her up.

The inspection was very uneventful. Everything that was on the list had been done and looked good. We signed off on the order sheet and decided to head to Ikea to kill a couple of hours before the closing. We bought a few knick-knacks and had lunch at Ikea. They do make a good Swedish meatball.

We buzzed over to the close and signed, signed, signed. The money was there but the closing agent had some e-mail problems getting the entire package downloaded. So, it took about an hour and a half to get done but that's better than having to wait for the mortgage company to send the money.

After the close we got out to the car and a ladybug flew in with us and landed on Kerry's side window. As ladybugs are good luck I didn't want to hurt her so I gently lowered the window as she crawled up so she could fly out. She seemed to get lost and stopped so Kerry carefully tried to help her on her way. Naturally, the ladybug fell down to the window ledge and wandered around aimlessly. Kerry continued to try to help her but the ladybug got stuck in the window slot. As Kerry tried to lift the ladybug out of the slot, I told Kerry to that the ladybug was symbolic of the good fortunes we would certainly have in our new house. "Oops, I just killed her," replied Kerry.

My dark side came out and even though I felt terrible that Kerry killed the poor ladybug, I couldn't stop laughing. Eventually, I got out to see if I could get the ladybug's body out of the window and saw that, "Lo, the ladybug lived!" I used a business card to pop her out of the slot and tossed her in the air and watched her fly away. Definitely, a good sign!

After I caught my breath it was back to the apartment to switch clothes and cars and start hauling stuff to the house. I had pre-packed the vehicles so we were ready to roll. We dropped of the first load and then ordered the washer/dryer and refridgerator for delivery on Sunday.

By that time, we were wiped out and knew we had a big day ahead of us so we went home, watched Buffy and went to sleep.

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