Sunday, August 19, 2007

Second Floor: Housewares, Ladies' Lingerie,...

And I was right. I'm always right. We have a more house-shaped house now. The first floor is completely roughed in and there is one wall up on the second floor. The second floor does have a floor, though.

According to the warning sign on the front of the house, only carpenters are supposed to go inside but hey, it's our house. So we went in and saw, for the first time, our downstairs rooms. We also could go upstairs and walk around but nothing is framed out.

Things are moving along quite swimmingly. The drywall has been loaded into the downstairs ready for installation. The trusses for the roof haven't been delivered yet so I wouldn't expect the drywall would be installed until then. I would expect the second floor to be done by next weekend.

Of course, the workers have left Gatorade® bottles all over the place. This doesn't sit well with Kerry, of course. I'll have a problem if the junk is still there when the finish carpentry is done or if I find a box of poop in the basement.

Can't wait to see how far they are along next weekend. We'll probably be talking about scheduling the closing soon.

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