Friday, April 13, 2007

Done Deal! Now What?

Well, no sooner had I posted that last blog than does my agent call to say they buyer came up another grand. The agent wanted to recounter for another $500 but I told him we're done. THE CONDO IS SOLD!!! Yea! Happy day!

So, we're now homeless.

I guess its still subject to financing but my agent says that the buyer is pre-qualified and if he also has $20K or so in the bank from an inheritance as we've been told, it shouldn't be a problem. We'd like to avoid the nightmare Kerry went through contracting with a couple with a horrible financial record.

I guess we next have to find a place to move to. I'd like someplace in the Plainfield area. That way we can get used to the area and I can get used to the drive. We will have to figure out if we're going to get an unfurnished apartment or if we'll put our stuff into storage and get one of those "In Town" suite type places. That runs about $239.00 a week so all talleyed up with the fact that utilities would be included, it would be a wash against our mortgage and assessment.

The anticipated closing is May 11, 2007. So we don't have a ton of time. But that's good. If figured that the sale would go one of two ways: either it would go down to the bitter end before the house was built and Kerry would have a nervous breakdown or it would sell very quickly and be as inconvenient as possible for us. I much prefer the latter over the former.

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