Sunday, August 26, 2007
Forty Days and Forty Nights

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Workers in Action
And progress was seen. The second floor exterior walls are all in place. While I was there, I watched the carpenters working on the interior walls. First time I'd been out to the site when there were actual workers there. Not that I thought the hole dug itself or the walls were raised by passing Amish farmers. I didn't go bother them. The ground was too muddy and I didn't want to step in anything icky before my hearing.
Didn't see any trusses for the roof on site yet but the weather today has remained dry if warm. So, maybe if the trusses get delivered soon, we'll see a roof in place in the very near future.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Decisions, Decisions

While up in Milwaukee we again visited my mom's furniture store. We decided to get the appliances locally but we'd still like to get the dining room and dinette sets from her (discount notwithstanding). We've settled on a dinette set that combines wood and glass that will work well with the tile, cabinetry and countertops of the kitchen and dinette area. It is shown in the third photograph below with Kerry and my mom seated therein.
We're still debating the dining room set. Kerry likes the more casual set shown in the first picture below. It has a matching hutch with silver hardware. I lean towards a more formal set showin in picutre number two below. It has "X" back chairs, padded captain chair backs and, I think, a richer looking wood. Kerry doesn't care for the parque pattern of the table. So we'll see. Either is workable although I don't think the casual set can be leafed bigger.
Second Floor: Housewares, Ladies' Lingerie,...
According to the warning sign on the front of the house, only carpenters are supposed to go inside but hey, it's our house. So we went in and saw, for the first time, our downstairs rooms. We also could go upstairs and walk around but nothing is framed out.
Things are moving along quite swimmingly. The drywall has been loaded into the downstairs ready for installation. The trusses for the roof haven't been delivered yet so I wouldn't expect the drywall would be installed until then. I would expect the second floor to be done by next weekend.
Of course, the workers have left Gatorade® bottles all over the place. This doesn't sit well with Kerry, of course. I'll have a problem if the junk is still there when the finish carpentry is done or if I find a box of poop in the basement.
Can't wait to see how far they are along next weekend. We'll probably be talking about scheduling the closing soon.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Let There Be (New) Lights

So, I called our design consultant and asked her for the model style of our brushed nickel fixtures so I can look up matching bathroom lights. I found a couple of possibilities. Unfortunately, I'm not 100% sure how big of a lighting unit I would need in the master bath to match the 8 bulbs of the standard. I do think the designer models are much nicer though so we'll see.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Rain, Rain, Go Away
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Mr. Gorbachev, Build Up This Wall
We went to Lowe's and bought two ceiling fans and a porch bench. We hope to have the electricians install them along the way so we don't have to hire contractors come out after the fact. We plan to do the same with upgraded bathroom lights we want to get as well as a pot rack ceiling light in the kitchen.
We're probably going to buy our refrigerator, washing maching and dryer at Lowe's. They have the models we like and will deliver for free. If we can also get a 10% discount for opening a Lowe's credit account, we'll do that. And we'll probably get 12 months no interest. Can't beat that. Besides, we can only abuse my mom's store discount so much. Discount dining room and dinette sets will be more than enough, I think.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Solid Progress
Looks like the sewer and sump lines have been laid. Also the electric meter box has been installed. Cable, electric and gas lines have also been marked off.
Come on, rough carpentry!