So, I called Chim-Chiminy Chimney Sweeps. An inspection will run $89.00. I scheduled it for Friday afternoon when Kerry will be home allowing her the morning to take care of personal things if necessary (I'm so thoughtful).
Next, I contacted the HVAC contractor to do the furnace connection. Apparently, the building code now requires the flexible connector pipe to be replaced with a solid, black pipe. Again, I scheduled this for the same time as the chimney inspector. Hopefully, it will only be a quick 1-2-3 in less than an hour and some simple parts.
I then went online to reserve a moving truck for May 5th. Kerry and I should have much of the little things shuttled over to the apartment the last weekend of April, but I will need the truck (and the help of some friends) to get the larger furnishings out. I got a small truck but it should fit most everything. And if we have to make a second trip, since we got the local apartment, it won't be too terribly difficult or inconvenient. I tried to call to confirm the reservation three hours after calling it in but the trucking agent hadn't received the reservation from national yet. I'll have to try again in the morning with them.
Our real estate agent called to say he was bringing the inspector over tomorrow. He asked me to leave the Association Rules and Regulations on the kitchen counter along with the carbon monoxide detector. I also worked on the patio door latch again and filled in around the gap with aluminum tape. It looks pretty good. I cleared some more gunk from the track and pour more oil in so it glides more smoothly. Hopefully, there won't be any problems tomorrow when the inspector opens the door.
I spoke to a mortgage agent from GMAC which is one of Town & Country's "preferred" lenders. Whatever that means. We went over some rough numbers over the phone and it sounds like it would be a pretty simple process to get the loan. We'll probably meet with the lender after we finalize our options at the second construction meeting scheduled for Saturday (yes, Kerry, Saturday).
I'm not 100% sure what else will need to be done this week but I'm sure whatever is necessary, we will get it done.
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