My mom left on Tuesday morning and I spent the next two evenings bringing stuff to the house, watering the yard and putting things together. Tuesday evening, my friend, Christian, was in town on his way from Washington state to Virginia Beach where he transferred by the Navy. He wanted to stop by the house but after the long drive, he just continued out to his hotel room in Chicago. We did meet for lunch at Hooter's but he had to get an early start the next morning to make it out to Virginia so he never had a chance to come out to see the house. Hopefully, next time he's in town he'll have more of an opportunity to visit and maybe bring his little girl, Alyssa, to meet baby Kaiser.
Wednesday was also Halloween. In Plainfield, they have trick or treating from 4pm through 7pm but there was no way I'd be able to get back from work (and from loading the Rav at the apartment) in time, so Tuesday night I left a bowlful of Hershey bars and Smarties out by the front door. By the time I got there around 7:20pm the bowl was empty. A few parents were still escorting their kids around in the dark but no one came by (I had an extra bag of Tootsie Rolls just in case). I put together the front porch bench Kerry and I bought a couple of months ago as well as the dumbbell rack I bought for Kerry's birthday in June (oh, so romantic).
This weekend, we have the cable guy coming out, the garage door guy and an electrician for an estimate on fixtures, fans programmable and thermostats. We then have a restaurant opening party in Bolingbrook to attend. My uncle is opening an Irish Style Guinness Pub ("The Auld Dubliner") and invited Kerry, me and a few of our friends to attend. They actually have a website showing the construction/preparation process kind of like I did with this blog (though not with the fascinating commentary you find here).